95 pound Power snatch
Post your time:

1. Ground to Overhead Ladder:
95lb, 115lb, 135lb, 145lb, 155lb, 165lb, 185lb, 195lb, 205lb, 215lb
The entire ground to overhead must be completed within 50 seconds.
The officer remains at the station until the call to “rotate” at which point he or she
will move to the next station. If the officer fails a lift, he or she has two choices.
The officer can continue to attempt the lift again within 50 seconds or officer can choose to do double-unders for a repetition tie breaker.
Post your loads and double-unders:
2. Complete as many rounds as reps as possible in 15 minutes of
15 Box jumps, 24” box
12 Pull ups
9 Hang Clean, 135lb(MEN) 95lb (WOMEN)
Post your rounds:
3. For Time:
Row 1000 meters
5 hand stand push-ups (HSPU)
10 Deadlift, 185lb (MEN) 135lb (WOMEN)
15 Toes to Bar
20 Burpees
Post your time:
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