31 January 2011

WOD 01 FEB 11

For time:
225lb or Body weight Deadlift, 21 reps
400 meter Run
225lb or Body weight Deadlift, 18 reps
400 meter Run
225lb or Body weight Deadlift, 15 reps
400 meter Run
225ob or Body weight Deadlift, 12 reps
400 meter Run

Post time to comments.

Steve: 20:26 (Rx)
Glass: 21:44 (Rx)
Don: 16:52 (BW)
Derek: 22:50 (BW)
Garris: 14:40 (135lb)
Li: 21:50 (135lb)
Eric: 18:12 (135lb)
Kay: 23:14 (95lb)
Brandi: 19:32 (85lb)
Carter: 21:22

Welcome to all.

1 comment:

  1. Great work this morning everyone, and the crowd continues to grow.
    21: 4:06
    18: 5:29
    15: 5:48
    12: 5:03
    Total: 20:26 at 225-lbs
