11 January 2011

WOD 12 JAN 11

Three rounds for time of:
6 Muscle-ups
30 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
12 Handstand push-ups
135 pound Power clean, 15 reps

Post your time


12 Pull-ups
12 Dips
30 Wallball shots,
12 Elevated Push-up (Use bench)
95 pound Powe clean, 15 reps

Post your time


  1. After I hung my rings on the back of the basketball goal and did three muscle-ups as warmup, I was told the basketball goal would not hold me and I had to take down my rings. So I did scaled MU's, wallball shots with the heaviest ball, marked 17, but felt lighter than that. HSPU were with ankles over shoulder heighth bar for a little assistance. Power Cleans as Rx.

  2. Forgot to mention, we did this on 12 Jan.

  3. Great time
    We'll see you next week.
