30 March 2011

WOD 31 MAR 11

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
155 pound Deadlift, 9 reps
12 Push-ups
15 Box jumps, 24" box

Post your rounds:
King: 7 Rds + 9 DL +12 Push-up + 12 Box Jumps Rx'd
Glass: 7 Rds Rx
Garris: 7 Rds+ 6 DL (14" Bench)

WOD 30 MAR 11

Modified "Fight Gone Bad"

Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
Burpees (Reps)

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep. Modified Burpees as Row.

Glass: 314 Rx
King: 296 Rx
Winters: 287 Rx
Franciski: 266 Rx
Thomas: 233 Rx
Funk: 219 Rx
Garris: 214 Rx
Wickens: 228 50lb
Holmes: 180 30lb

Welcome to new crossfitters. See you tomorrow at 0600

29 March 2011

WOD 29 MAR 11


Funk: 190-205-215(F)-210-210(F)-205-205
Franciski: 175-175-185-195-205-225-275
Bienick: 135-145-155-165-175-175-180
Laurente: 175-175-185-195-205-225-235

Rest 5min

AMRAP in 10 min of:
15 Squats
15 Pull-ups
15 Ring-Dipa

Post your rounds

Glass: 4 + 6 dips
Laurente: 4
Franciski: 4
King: 3 + 15 squat + 12 Pull-ups
Garris: 2 + 15 squat + 10 Pull-ups
Funk: 2

27 March 2011



Run 1 mile
155 pound Clean and jerk, 21 reps
Run 800 meters
155 pound Clean and jerk, 21 reps
Run 1 Mile

Post your time and load:Glass: 41:38 Rx, Chris 44:00 Rx, King: 32:42 115lb, Hur: 36:25 40lb, Lee: 37:26 65lb, Choi: 38:40 50lb, Winters: 41:30 110lb, Laurente: 42:00 85lb, Bieniek: 45:40 55lb,

U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant Matthew T. Abbate, 26, of Honolulu, Hawaii, assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, based out of Camp Pendleton, California, was killed on December 2, 2010, while conducting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan. He is survived by his wife Stacie Rigall, son Carson, mother Karen Binion, father Salvatore Abbate, and siblings Dominica Abbate, Elliot Abbate, Valerie Binion, and Kelly Binion.

24 March 2011

WOD 25 MAR 11

Link-up at the Pool #3 (0600)

Swim and TEAM WOD

Swim: 10 x 25 meter Sprints all out efforts using paddles and buoy… 30 sec recovery between sprints.

Post your slowest Sprint time:

Steve B: 24"
Winters: <35"
King: 34"
Laurente: <35"
Funk: 45"
Franciski: <45"
Bieniek: <45"
Anthony: Made it
Glass: Made it
Lee:Kiddy Pool
Shim:Kiddy Pool

Team WOD

AMRAP in 15 Min
Pool side Dips
Air Squat

Team A: (Steve, King, Winters, Laurente) 370/396
Team B: (Glass, Bieniek, Francisik,Funk) 340/415
Team C: (Anthony, Lee, Shim) 375/312

It was an awesome workout this morning ans nice change of pace. We'll continue to keep Friday as team WOD.
Don't forget to stretch during this weekend. Flexibility is one of the ten reconized general physical skills.

WOD 24 MAR 11

For time:
135 pound Front squat, 10 reps
Towel pull-up, 1 rep
135 pount Front Squat, 9 reps
Towel pull-up, 2 reps
135 pound Front squat, 8 reps
Towel pull-up, 3 reps
135 pound Front squat, 7 reps
Towel pull-up, 4 reps
135 pound Front squat, 6 reps
Towel pull-up, 5 reps
135 pound Front squat, 5 reps
Towel pull-up, 6 reps
135 pound Front squat, 4 reps
Towel pull-up, 7 reps
135 pound Front squat, 3 reps
Towel pull-up, 8 reps
135 pound Front squat, 2 reps
Towel pull-up, 9 reps
135 pound Front squat, 1 rep
Towel pull-up, 10 reps

Post your time:
King: 10:45
Glass: 13:55

22 March 2011

WOD 23 MAR 11

For time:
70 Burpees
60 Sit-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 50lbs
40 Pull-ups
30 Handstand push-ups

Post your time:

King: 18:12 (Elevated Push-ups)
Glass: 18:50 (Elevated Push-ups)
Steve: 19:29 (H.S Green & Purple)
Anthony: 23:45 (Elev push-ups)
Laurente: 18:51 (Green Band)
Franciski: 18:32 (Blue Band)
Lee: 19:52 (Blue)
Hur: 20:08 (Blue)
Funk: 23:53 (Green)

21 March 2011

WOD 22 MAR 11

Run 10K

Post time to comments.
10K approved race track for CFH

Bieniek: 47:15
Laurente: 47:39
Glass: 47:50
Lee: 52:47
Hur: 52:57
Shim 53:04
Funk: 58:10

WOD 21 MAR 11


Four rounds for time of:
10 L-pull-ups
15 Push-ups
15 Chest to bar Pull-ups
15 Push-ups
20 Pull-ups
15 Push-ups

Post time to comments.

Glass: 33:12 Rx
Steve B: 34:47 Rx
King: 29:54: 1 X Rx, 3 X blue/Jumping
Choi: 32:30 Blue/Jumping
Shim: 32:30 Blue/Jumping
Franciski: 35:21 Blue/Jumping
Hur: 35: 29 Blue/Jumping
Garris: 41:48 Green/Jumping
Bieniek: 39:46 (3rds)
Funk: 39:46 (3rds)

"Hero" workouts are always smoker. Good job on those of you completed as prescribe (Rx).

18 March 2011

WOD 18 MAR 11

The Bear Complex

5 Rounds for Time of

7 reps of the sequence
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Push Press
200 M Run

Men 65lb
Women 45lb

Post your time:

King: 11:46 (65lb)
Glass: 13:24 (65lb)
Lee: 14:05 (45lb)
Franciski: 14:06 (45lb)
Choi: 14:08 (30lb)
Shim: 14:20 (30lb)
Hur: 15:31 (40lb)
Laurente: 15:46 (45lb)
Funk: 15:48
Bieniek: 18:52 (45lb)

Good job on the WOD this morning.

17 March 2011

WOD 17 MAR 11

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 Double-unders
15 Power snatches

The Power snatch loads are as follows:
Men and Masters Men 45-49, 50-54: 75lbs/35kg
Women and Masters Women 45-54: 55lbs/25kg

King: 4rds (Submitted to CrossFit Game 2011)
Glass: 3rds + 30 + 12
Winters: 2rds + 10
Anthony: 2 rds

15 March 2011

WOD 16 MAR 11

Seven rounds for time of:
10 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
10 Pull-ups

Post your time:

AMRAP in 15 min

Wallball Shots
50 Meter Farmers Carry

WOD 15 MAR 11

7 Rounds of:

5 Shoulder Press
5 Push Press
5 Push Jerk

Post your weight:

Don: 65-85-95-95-85-65-65
Key: 45-45-45-45-45-45-45
Denis: 45-55-55-45

AMRAP in 20 Min
15 Push-ups
20 Sit-ups
80 Yard Run

11 March 2011

WOD 11 MAR 10

With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.

Use as many sets each minute as needed.

Don: 10min + 7

Welcome back from KR11 exercise. We'll take the Monday off and start back on Tuesday.

06 March 2011

WOD 06 MAR 11

SGM Special For Time:

Round 1:
1. Shuttle run: 20M, 40M, 60M
2. 30 Burpee.
3. 10 pullups.
4. 50 incline pushups. Feet elevated on a 3.5 foot surface.
5. 50 Rower situps.
Round 2:
1. Shuttle run: 20,40,60
2. 25 Burpee.
3. 10 pullups.
4. 40 incline pushups. Feet elevated on a 3.5 foot surface.
5. 40 Rower situps. (
Round 3:
1. Shuttle run: 20,40,60
2. 20 Burpee
3. 10 pullups.
4. 30 incline pushups. Feet elevated on a 3.5 foot surface.
5. 30 Rower situps. (See new PRT standard).

Round 4:
1. Shuttle run: 20, 40,60
2. 15 Burpies.
3. 10 pullups.
4. 20 incline pushups. Feet elevated on a 3.5 foot surface.
5. 20 Rower situps.

Round 5:
1. Shuttle run: 20,40,60
2. 10 Burpies.
3. 10 pullups.
4. 10 incline pushups. Feet elevated on a 3.5 foot surface.
5. 10 Rower situps.

Round 6: Shuttle run: 20,40,60

Post your time:
Don: 34:32

05 March 2011

WOD 05 MAR 11

Five rounds for time of:
135 pound Back squat, 20 reps
Handstand walk 20 yards

Post your time:
Don: 22:03 (135lb X 1, 115 X 4)

04 March 2011

WOD 04 MAR 11

AMRAP in 20 minutes

5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats

Post your rounds

Franciski: 16 rounds

03 March 2011

WOD 03 MAR 11

50 BURPEES for time:

Don: 3:00
Kim SM:3:20
Glass: 3:35
Hur: 3:54
Franciski: 3:55

Don't forget to drink water during KR11.

WOD 02 MAR 11

Tabata Squat:
20 second and 10 second rest for 8 rounds

Franciski: 11
Don: 15
Kim: 12


Glass: 7:45